The needles.I use sterile, single use, surgical grade stainless steel needles of various lengths and gauges.
The process.A series of points on the body are selected after an assessment of the symptoms described by the patient. Assessment includes conversation with the patient, as well as orthopedic testing and structural analysis when necessary.
How it works.Stimulation of various points on the body, through acupuncture along with variety of other modalities, triggers a release of various signals within the body. These signals bring the attention of the mind and body to the ailment of the patient and aid in the healing process.
*The Web That Has No Weaver by Ted Kaptchuck is a great source for those interested in learning more about the medicine.
Supplemental Modalities
Electro-StimulationElectrical impulses are transmitted through the needles to encourage the firing of muscle fibers to aid in the healing process.
Gua ShaA "scraping" technique used to promote normal circulation and metabolic processes.
Fire CuppingA flame is used to create a suction, and a glass cup is placed on the body. The suction loosens the bodies fascia and releases the muscle layer.
Brian Barthelemy LAc, LMT